The hard core response to the political news of the day as it relates to gun control issues or positions advanced by those who would deny us our right to keep and bear the arms of our choice.

My Photo
Location: Harrison Twp., Michigan, United States

Motivated by men of honor. Seen here with R. Lee Ermey, star of the motion picture Full Metal Jacket and host of the History Channel's Mail Call. Red blooded American who values first and foremost the rights handed down to him by the founders of our country. Believes in rewarding his friends and punishing his political enemies to preserve our fundamental freedoms and liberties.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Battle For The Michigan Republican Party Chair...

Even before the elections were over in which we took a bath, party activists were planning on replacing Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis. This is really too bad since these party activists should have been focused entirely on the election battles at hand and not intra-party politics at a critical moment in history. I'm not going to throw stones at those involved in trying to replace Anuzis. What I will tell you is who is supporting the re-election of Saul Anuzis and that is Attorney General Mike Cox and that's good enough for me. Fact is I've met Saul and I read his blog on a regular basis. I view him as a good conservative leader that has only had a single term as party chair to make this party better and more effective. Some people are trying to use Anuzis as the scapegoat for the bath we've taken but I'll tell you it could have been worse in Michigan. We did lose the State House but we kept the State Senate. We lost no Republican Congressional Seats. We retained both the AG and the SOS. At the same time nationally we took a blood bath loosing control of both the U.S. House and Senate. This means surrounding states lost much more than we did. Many surrounding states fell to the Democrat landslide loosing AG's and SOS's and much more. The bottom line - support Saul Anuzis for re-election to the Chair of the Michigan Republican Party. Of course if you're not part of the party it's hard to vote for Saul!
UPDATE: 11/18/06 Dave Dishaw the gentleman who was challenging the Chairman has withdrawn his challenge and now endorses Saul Anuzis for another 2 year term as Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mike With Laura By His Side Victory Speech...

Mike gives his victory speech commenting how this was really his first victory speech as he couldn't really give one when first elected as the results came in late so he wasn't really sure as to how to deliver a victory speech. Mike thanked his wife Laura and all of those who helped him in his campaign and everybody who supported him. He thanked his campaign staff. He thanks all of you too. Mike said everyday he goes to work he thinks about all of us and how we've supported him and how he intends to do the best job he can for us. I will say that Mike Cox is THE BEST ATTORNEY GENERAL EVER and I am extremely proud of him.


The Tough's...

Left to right. FFL SOT Matt Poe, FFL C&R Mike Sessa and Chuck Madurski - writer Small Arms Review. Seen here posing as the Tough Guys


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mike Sessa Raises Attorney General Mike Cox's Hand In Victory...THE WINNER...

The MichiGun RepubliGun Mike Sessa raises Attorney General Mike Cox's hand in Victory Tuesday, November 7th 2006 at the Cox Victory Party at Laurel Manor in Livonia. I've been working as a campaign volunteer for the Cox campaign since the beginning of the year talking Mike up everywhere and anywhere. I've worked to increase Mike's name recognition and reputation with like minded people in the greater online firearms community at both a state and national level. I've also advocated that all my friends and fellow firearms enthusiasts make campaign contributions and they have! I've coordinated Team Cox Macomb to distribute and plant over 750 yard signs in the greater Macomb County region. We've publicized Mike's name over and over again in chain type email communications and at state wide gun shows. Our work is evident in the result. In my county of Macomb Mike Cox is THEE TOP VOTE GETTER garnering more votes than any other candidate of any persuasion on the Macomb ballot. Mike got many more votes than Granholm, DeVos, Sabaugh, Land, Bouchard, Stabenow, Miller, Levin and in fact more votes than the popular non-partisan un-contested Probate Court Judge Pam Gilbert O'Sullivan who was the second highest vote getter!


Matt Poe And Attorney General Mike Cox...

It wouldn't be fair to Matt if I didn't post this great picture of him since I posted one with Chuck and the AG. Matt has been a great supporter, in fact we've all been great supporters of AG Mike Cox contributing campaign dollars and personal time to re-elect the AG.


Chuck Madurski Writer Small Arms Review and AG Mike Cox

Chuck keeps telling me I don't have any good pictures of him with the Attorney General! How's this for you Chuck? In case you're wondering, Chuck did write an article that appeared in Small Arms Review that detailed the impact of OAG 7183. We thought it also included suppressors as it should have. Chuck has taken some heat for this inacuracy, however it was not his fault. Perhaps the AG will issue a follow up clarification opinion as requested by yours truly.


Macomb County Division Team Cox...

Left to right. Mike Sessa, Todd Mckechnie, Scott Swensen and Bill Pointer part of Team Cox Macomb getting ready to go out and plant campaign signs on a beautiful October morning. We are all firearms enthusiasts and we're all part of the greater online sport shooting community. We're all MichiGun RepubliGuns! (;'0) LOL...

Everybody's Irish Friends of Attorney General Mike Cox...

From left to right. FFLSOT - Matt Poe, yours truly, C&R FFL - Mike Sessa, our main man thee Attorney General Mike Cox, Writer Small Arms Review - Chuck Madurski and FFLSOT - Phil Sheridan.


Say hello to a few of my dear friends...

Pictured left to right...Matt Poe, Chuck Madurski, Rusty Hills and yours truly, Mike Sessa. This photo was taken at Attorney General Mike Cox's Everybody's Irish Party at Laurel Manor in Livonia on St. Patricks Day 2006. My good friend Matt Poe is a special taxpaying federal firearms licensee. My good friend Chuck Madurski is an engineer and writer for the highly esteemed "Small Arms Review" nationally published magazine. And Rusty Hills is a very well known Republican. Myself, you should already know!
